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Background on the Planning Effort

Who owns the De Paul Center Campus?

The Congregation of the Mission Western Province (the Vincentians) owns the campus. The land was donated to them in the 1950s by the Pansini family, and many other generous donors have contributed to the ministries that have been carried out on the campus.


Who are the Vincentians?

The Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentians) is a community of Catholic priests and brothers founded by St. Vincent de Paul to follow Christ preaching the gospel to the poor. Their primary endeavors are work with the poor and the formation of clergy and laity for ministry, especially among lower income communities. See the About Us page for more information on the Vincentians.

What are the Vincentians and Mercy Housing planning for the De Paul Campus?

There are currently no plans for the campus other than to create new housing opportunities that meet the needs of the neighborhood and of the City of Montebello. Community input will be needed to create a Master Plan that will guide the repurposing of the De Paul Campus.


Why are the Vincentians and Mercy Housing planning for the De Paul Campus?

In 2018, Vincentians around the world began a “13 Houses Campaign,” which was inspired by the 13 houses St. Vincent De Paul built for poor youth in France in the 1600s. In the spirit of the worldwide campaign, and since the De Paul Center is no longer an active ministry, the Western Province has chosen Mercy Housing California to assist in exploring ways to reimagine their 13-acre campus to meet the future housing needs of Montebello.​


Mercy Housing California is proud to partner with the Vincentians and the Montebello community to realize this vision.


Why did the Vincentians choose Mercy Housing California?

The Vincentians chose to work with Mercy Housing California because of their proven track record in developing communities affordable to people with a range of incomes: working families, seniors, and homebuyers, among others.  But even more important than their experience in housing development is Mercy Housing’s alignment with the Vincentian values and mission.  


Community Engagement


What is the current status of the De Paul Campus Future Planning Effort?

The Congregation of the Mission Western Province has decided to pause the Mercy Housing planning work on the campus until the new year. This means that community meetings that had been planned for September will be delayed until 2024. For more information, click here.


How will the Montebello community be involved? 

Neighbors and other interested parties will be invited to participate in listening sessions, surveys, community workshops, feedback sessions, etc.  It is hoped that these events will be held in person on the De Paul Campus with additional sessions held virtually to ensure as much participation as possible.


How can I participate in the planning effort?

The planning is in its very early stages.  Please follow our Facebook page and check this website regularly for updates about events and meetings where the Montebello community can participate in guiding how the De Paul Campus will be repurposed.


Who is the contact person for community input? 

The contact person for this phase of community input and planning is:


Evangelina Rodriguez, Assistant Project Manager

(213) 743-5831


How will this affect my property value? 

Many studies about how workforce housing affects property values say there is no effect or a positive effect on property values. You can read a recent study here that says that affordable housing has no or a positive effect on property values or crime. An article explaining the study's findings can be found here.


Why didn't I get a mailing? 

You would have received a mailing if you live or own property within a 1000 ft. radius of the site.  If you haven’t received a mailing and want to be on the mailing list, please provide us with your contact information in the Contact Us section of the website. All mailings, communications, and presentations are posted on the Updates page of this website.


What does the Advisory Committee do? 

The De Paul Campus Future Planning Advisory Committee is a volunteer body with an advisory purpose. The purpose of the committee is to:

  • Share insight, both personal and professional, related to the DePaul Center Future Planning effort.

  • Bring the concerns of the local community to the attention of the committee and discuss issues pertinent to the planning.

  • Communicate with local associations, organizations, and constituencies regarding progress and challenges related to the planning work.

  • Identify organizational relationships and collaborations that will enhance the planning effort.


How did you choose the Advisory Committee members? 

In talking with community members, we met people who expressed interest in participating and who were able to make a long-term commitment to participate in the Committee. The membership represents various aspects of the Montebello community including residents who live in South Montebello. Members of the Committee receive no compensation, are not appointed by elected officials, and are free to express their opinion.

You can find the Advisory Committee Statement of Purpose here.  

Planning and Design Team
Who are the architects working on this planning effort? 

Studio One Eleven is the architecture firm for the De Paul Campus Future Planning Effort. The firm is an integrated practice of architects, planners, and landscape designers focused on community and resident well-being. The firm’s approach to creating a new mixed-income residential community ensures environmentally responsible, resilient, and prosperous results while addressing livability and equity for all residents, as well as the neighboring community. Studio One Eleven strives to improve the social, environmental, and economic realms, and is committed to addressing those concerns for stakeholders and the greater community.


Examples of Studio One Eleven’s master planning, redevelopment, and residential work include:

Mosaic Gardens at Willowbrook

The Streets, Long Beach, CA

The Bloc, Downtown Los Angeles

Long Beach Senior Arts Colony, Long Beach, CA
Alamitos Bay Southeast Area Specific Plan, Long Beach, CA


Who else is working on the future planning effort? 

Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI) is facilitating community outreach and engagement for the De Paul Campus Future Planning Effort. LANI formed in 1994 to advance inclusive, equitable, neighborhood-driven community development based on the foundational understanding that community members know the needs of their neighborhoods best. LANI meaningfully engages the people who drive and steward neighborhood change – residents, business owners and local organizations – through consensus building and substantive community decision-making to conceive, design, and build public spaces that meet local needs and reflect local pride and character.


Examples of LANI’s community engagement, redevelopment, and planning work include:

West Whittier-Los Nietos Step-by-Step Pedestrian Plan

Western Gage Tot Lot in South L.A.

Go Human Tactical Urbanism Projects, Walnut Park

One San Pedro Transformation Plan


Additional Questions and Concerns from Community Members


How do I offer to purchase the De Paul campus? Who do I contact?

The campus is not for sale.  The future Master Plan will be created, then realized, through the joint efforts of the Congregation of the Mission, Mercy Housing, Montebello Community Stakeholders, and the City of Montebello.


Who would be responsible for property management

Any rental properties at the site will be managed by a professional non-profit property management organization with decades of experience. Affordable rental properties would be managed by Mercy Housing Management Group, an affiliate of Mercy Housing. All renters undergo a rigorous resident selection process including review of prior rental experience. Homeowners will experience similar reviews and must qualify for their home mortgages.


How many units will be there?

We do not know yet. As the Master Planning process proceeds, the number of homes proposed for the campus will be determined.  We hope to present a draft plan in fall 2023. In 2024, a refined Master Plan will be proposed to the city, after which it will receive further scrutiny and public review.


What are you going to do about congestion and safety

New development at the site will require studies of traffic and other impacts on the neighborhood. There will be significant scrutiny and many opportunities for public comment before any Master Plan is approved.


Which elected officials are behind this project?

No elected officials are involved.  We have met with city council members and city staff to update them about our outreach activities and to get their input about individuals and community groups with whom we should meet in order to better understand the City of Montebello.


Who will live here?

We hope to build homes for households with a range of incomes which will include a combination of for-sale homes and townhomes and rental housing. We don’t yet know what those incomes would be.  


Will any of the buildings be saved?

The Congregation of the Mission has indicated that their highest priority is to create a well-developed, thoughtful plan for the campus, so it is unlikely that the existing structures will remain.  Careful attention, however, will be given to the heritage trees throughout the property. 


We've heard that 3,000 "homeless people" will be bused into the center, and that the site will be used as a detention center. Is this true?

These rumors are not true. The primary components of the De Paul Campus Master Plan will be for-sale and rental housing, market-rate and workforce homes, as well as community oriented open space.

Background Developmen
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